How we work

Our guiding principles are a collaborative approach, an enterprising approach, and the use of practical, appropriate, and cost-effective solutions. We are innovative, continuously learning, and continuously improving. Our systems work, all the time!

Riders for Health Liberia works to improve the capacity and efficiency of healthcare delivery platforms in Liberia. This is done by strengthening transport systems, instilling a culture of maintenance, and attention to detail, introducing new thinking, and fostering attitude change, to support the reach to the rural poor in Liberia with health care and vital services. We help organisations, and government entities to design/implement a sustained customized transport solution, building ownership of systems to ensure sustained reach to the rural poor by governments and communities past the program funding phase.
Riders’ system is unique; we are able to manage and maintain transport systems used in health care delivery from end to end – from the upfront planning and budgeting down to the retirement/replacement of the vehicle. Riders can do this as we have human and intellectual capital of over 30 years experience of Riders work in Africa using innovative thinking for the sole purpose of managing vehicle fleets and transport used in health systems – with a special focus on the ‘last mile’. We have the experience of engaging in true public-private partnerships with governments who see the benefit in outsourcing non-core services. We have experience in working with US government agencies given the success of our operation in Liberia for the eradication of Ebola and now with COVID-19. Our main partners are the Ministry of Health (MoH), NPHIL, UN agencies, US government agencies, and other health-focused non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
We build sustained transport systems with local ownership. We train nationals of the countries in which we work to be transport managers, transport administrators, workshop managers, vehicle/motorcycle technicians, safe drivers, safe riders, and reliable and efficient specimen transport couriers through mentorship and supervision. This is to enable the transfer of core skills and embedding the culture of maintenance to build local capacity. We also share our expertise through engaging in various consultancy services, where we transfer our tried and tested Riders operations systems and processes, this is meant to ensure healthcare reach is a priority everywhere even in places where we do not have offices. This ranges from auditing transport systems and policies to training managers, technicians, and riders on our experience in the management of transport.
Our guiding principles are a collaborative approach, an enterprising approach, and the use of practical, appropriate, and cost-effective solutions. We are innovative, continuously learning, and continuously improving. Our systems work all the time.